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Fixed or Variable Mortgage, Which Should You Pick?

买房是大多数人做过的最大的财务承诺. 整理抵押贷款涉及到很多关键的选择. 其中之一是选择固定利率还是可变利率抵押贷款.

正如它的名字一样,固定利率抵押贷款利率在贷款的整个生命周期内都是“固定的”. 相比之下,浮动利率贷款的利率可以随时间变化. 可变贷款收取的抵押贷款利率通常是基于一个指数, which means payments could move up or down, depending on prevailing interest rates.1

Fixed-rate mortgages have advantages and disadvantages. 例如,利率和付款保持不变,尽管利率环境. But fixed-rate loans generally have higher initial interest rates than variable-rate mortgages; the financial institution may charge more because if rates go higher, it may lose out.

If prevailing interest rates trend lower, a fixed-rate mortgage holder may choose to refinance, and that may involve closing costs, additional paperwork, and more.1

With variable-rate mortgages, the initial interest rates are often lower because the lender is able to transfer some of the risk to the borrower; if prevailing rates go higher, 可变抵押贷款的利率也可能向上调整. 可变利率抵押贷款可以让借款人利用利率下降而无需再融资.1

可变利率抵押贷款提供的最大优势之一可能也是它们最大的缺点之一. 利率和付款可能会发生变化,而且在贷款期限内可能会上升.

Should you choose a fixed or variable mortgage? Here are four broad considerations:

First, how long do you plan to stay in the home? 如果你打算在卖房子之前住一段时间, you may want to consider a variable-rate mortgage. 在较短的时间框架内,贷款将有更少的时间向上或向下移动.

Second, what’s happening with interest rates? 如果利率低于历史平均水平,那么考虑固定利率可能是有意义的. On the other hand, if interest rates are above historic averages, it may make sense to consider a variable-rate loan. 然后,如果利率下降,你的利率可能也会下降.

第三,贷款人在什么条件下可以调整利率和支付? How frequently can it be adjusted? 每一期的调整幅度是否有限制? 利率和还款额是否有终身限制?

第四,如果利率大幅上升,你还能负担得起月供吗? 如果你的付款上升到它的寿命限制,并在那里停留很长一段时间,它会如何影响你的财务状况?

For most, buying a home is a major commitment. 选择最合适的抵押贷款可能会使长期债务更容易管理.

1., April 28, 2023

Average Interest Rate: 30-Year, Fixed-Rate Mortgages

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. 路易斯,30年期固定利率抵押贷款的年利率是6.63 percent (as of February 2024).

Source:, 2024. For the period between January 2003 to January 2023.

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