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Countdown to College

As a parent, 你当然想给你的孩子最好的成功机会, and for many, attending the "right" university or college is that opportunity. 不幸的是,被自己选择的大学录取可能不像以前那么容易了. 此外,你越早考虑如何支付大学费用越好. Today, the average college graduate owes $28,950 in debt, while the average salary for a recent graduate is $55,360.1,2

Preparing for college means setting goals, staying focused, 并且从高中一年级开始,在这条道路上完成一些关键的里程碑.

Freshman Year
Before the school year begins, 你和你的孩子至少应该挑选几所大学. A lot can change during high school, so remaining flexible but focused on your shared goals is crucial. 与你孩子的指导顾问或班主任会面可能会有帮助,他们可能会有任何建议. 你可能想要鼓励你的孩子在高中时选择具有挑战性的课程. 许多大学都在寻找那些在学习上勇于进取的学生. 然而,在困难的课程和优异的成绩之间取得平衡是很重要的. 对你和你的孩子来说,关注成绩应该是优先考虑的事情.

Sophomore Year
在大二期间,一些学生可能有机会参加SAT练习. 尽管他们在大约一年的时间里不需要参加真正的SAT考试, 练习考试是了解考试内容的好方法.

大二也是探索课外活动的好时机. Colleges are looking for the well-rounded student, 因此,现在鼓励你的孩子探索他们的兴趣爱好可能有助于他们以后的申请. Summer may also be a good time for sophomores to get a part-time job, secure an internship, or travel abroad to help bolster their experiences.

Junior Year
Your child's junior year is all about standardized testing. Every October, 高中三年级的学生可以参加SAT预备考试(PSAT), also known as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). Even if they won't need to take the SAT for college, taking the PSAT/NMSQT is required for many scholarships, such as the National Merit Scholarship.3

Top colleges look for applicants who are future leaders. 鼓励孩子在课外活动中发挥领导作用. 这并不意味着他们必须是鼓手或足球队队长. 领导可能包括帮助组织筹款、营销或社区拓展.

在他们大三的春天,你的孩子会想要参加SAT或ACT考试. 如果有必要,提前考试日期可以让他们有时间在高年级重复考试. 不管你的孩子参加多少次考试,大多数大学只会看最好的分数.

Senior Year
对许多学生来说,高三是高中最激动人心的时刻. 老年人将终于开始收获他们过去三年努力的成果. 一旦你和你的孩子坚定地决定申请哪所学校, make sure you keep on top of deadlines. Applying early can increase your student's chance of acceptance.

Now is also the time to apply for scholarships. 咨询你孩子的指导顾问可以帮助你继续确定奖学金. Billions in free federal grant money go unclaimed each year, simply because students fail to fill out the free application. 确保你的孩子已经提交了他们的FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助),以避免错过任何可用的经济援助.4

Finally, talk to your child about living away from home. 帮助确保他们知道如何明智地管理金钱和按时支付账单. 你也可以和他们谈谈一些大学新生第一次离开家所面临的社会压力.

For many people, college sets the stage for life. 确保你的孩子在选择大学时有选择,这有助于塑造他们的未来. 今天就和他们一起制定目标,养成有助于确保他们成功的习惯.

1., February 22, 2023
2., June 28, 2022
3., 2023
4., February 5, 2023

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